Working side by side with PDF catalog

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Plasson ElectroFusion Revit fittings contain attributes with technical data and essential information for both the design stage and lifecycle of the building.
Each fitting has data about available sizes, material, standards
On the properties panel, you can find a unique Product Code and weight of each fitting.
Depending on the pipe diameter, different geometry representation appears, according to the PDF catalog.
While selecting a fitting, in the properties panel you can see the ""family"" number. to find more information regarding the fitting, you can search for this number in Plasson PDF catalog.
Extra notes and recommendations for installation appear on the ""Family"" page as well.

In the PDF catalog, you can also find recommended equipment and tools for the fittings installations."

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Plasson ElectroFusion Revit fittings contain attributes with technical data and essential information for both the design stage and lifecycle of the building.

Each fitting has data about available sizes, material, standards

On the properties panel, you can find a unique Product Code and weight of each fitting.

Depending on the pipe diameter, different geometry representation appears, according to the PDF catalog.

While selecting a fitting, in the properties panel you can see the ""family"" number. to find more information regarding the fitting, you can search for this number in Plasson PDF catalog.

Extra notes and recommendations for installation appear on the ""Family"" page as well.

In the PDF catalog, you can also find recommended equipment and tools for the fittings installations."


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