Introduction to showcase

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"Plasson ElectroFusion Revit catalog contains a full range of fittings with their descriptions and parameters.
Plasson ElectroFusion Showcase file is sorted and grouped by ""Family"" functionality and types.
Full list of the fittings located in the Project Browser in the ""Pipe Fittings"" and ""Pipe Accessories"" tab.
At the bottom of this Showcase file, you can find a short instruction manual for this fittings catalog and the importing procedure for your project.
Predefined Plasson suitable diameter pipe families, including the pipe settings, are available for instant transfer into your BIM project.
Plasson Pipe Families contains standard routing preferences and ready for use.
Any specific fitting easily transferred into your project using the ""Copy/Paste"" command."

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"Plasson ElectroFusion Revit catalog contains a full range of fittings with their descriptions and parameters.

Plasson ElectroFusion Showcase file is sorted and grouped by ""Family"" functionality and types.

Full list of the fittings located in the Project Browser in the ""Pipe Fittings"" and ""Pipe Accessories"" tab.

At the bottom of this Showcase file, you can find a short instruction manual for this fittings catalog and the importing procedure for your project.

Predefined Plasson suitable diameter pipe families, including the pipe settings, are available for instant transfer into your BIM project.

Plasson Pipe Families contains standard routing preferences and ready for use.

Any specific fitting easily transferred into your project using the ""Copy/Paste"" command."


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