Adjustable Elbow

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"Plasson ElectroFusion Revit catalog contains another type of special fitting named: ""Adjustable elbow."" As you can see on Plasson PDF catalog, this elbow has a unique joint and movement of up to 24°.

Revit by Default doesn't allow to create an auto-routing solution for angles less than 5° even if the angle set manually.
But there is a solution! The user should enter ""Modify"" tab- Click on ""Family editor"" -
Click on the both ""connector"" ends (Holding 'Ctrl' key while selecting)-
On the ""Properties"" window change ""System Classification"" to ""Global""-
Set ""Allow Slope Adjustments"" to ""On"" - get the ""System Classification"" back to ""Fitting.""
Now, Reload this fitting into the project with overwriting the existing version. "

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"Plasson ElectroFusion Revit catalog contains another type of special fitting named: ""Adjustable elbow."" As you can see on Plasson PDF catalog, this elbow has a unique joint and movement of up to 24°.

Revit by Default doesn't allow to create an auto-routing solution for angles less than 5° even if the angle set manually.

But there is a solution! The user should enter ""Modify"" tab- Click on ""Family editor"" -

Click on the both ""connector"" ends (Holding 'Ctrl' key while selecting)-

On the ""Properties"" window change ""System Classification"" to ""Global""-

Set ""Allow Slope Adjustments"" to ""On"" - get the ""System Classification"" back to ""Fitting.""

Now, Reload this fitting into the project with overwriting the existing version. "


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