The use of saddles in Revit

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"Plasson ElectroFusion Revit catalog contains Branch Saddles fittings. Those fittings are one of a kind solution for Large Diameter PE pipes as well as small ones.
Different fittings size is available through the ""Type Properties"" panel.
Hovering over the ""Available Sizes"" parameter shows the user the full list of diameters.

Like other Special Fittings, Most of the Branch Saddles require additional coupler at the outlet. The user should add those manually. After placing the additional sockets, further pipe routing is available in one click"

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"Plasson ElectroFusion Revit catalog contains Branch Saddles fittings. Those fittings are one of a kind solution for Large Diameter PE pipes as well as small ones.

Different fittings size is available through the ""Type Properties"" panel.

Hovering over the ""Available Sizes"" parameter shows the user the full list of diameters.

Like other Special Fittings, Most of the Branch Saddles require additional coupler at the outlet. The user should add those manually. After placing the additional sockets, further pipe routing is available in one click"


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